
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NYC Weekend in Photos

Up until this past weekend, I'd never been to New York City before. I feel so backwoods admitting that! I live so close now that it borders silly/ridiculous that I've never visited.

Yeah, so I dragged my backwoods butt but onto a bus on Friday and headed to NYC for one of my best friend's bachelorette party. Though she isn't tying the not until late October, our schedules are all going to be so crazy come fall that it made sense to party it up now.

The weekend did not disappoint. The bride-to-be is a *tad* obsessed with the 80's, so Friday night we dressed up and went out to rock out to some 80's tunes. God love New York. No matter how dumb or questionable your choice in clothing, there is always going to be someone in the city who will outdo you. We definitely stood out, but people seemed receptive and were very kind to the bride-to-be.

Your Type, no? (Picked that shirt up for $11 out of some trashy side street shop after getting off the bus)

The BTB looks like she stepped off of Madonna's "Like a Virgin" video

The couple's toast

Pretty woman walking down the street...

Lookin' all sorts of classy (or all sorts of something).

The next night was dress like a normal person and go out night. I didn't get an outfit photo, but I wanted to show the sparkly top I wore. Unfortunately, it's a photo with me holding a beer (which I swear I never ever drink)...

With the lovely lady of the evening...

Last but not least, I leave you with a creeper. Every bar/club has them, but this guy makes some of the shady folk I've encountered seem like the boy next door. He literally just stood in front of the stage where girls were dancing and snapped pictures of them on his phone. No shame whatsoever. I don't even want to know what he does with them. Ick. I caught him in the act.

Good times all around. Now I'm looking forward to the wedding :)


Jenny said...

I wish we were real life friends. You're super awesome ;)

Lindsay said...

Love the 80s getup - so fun!!

Alison Kinsey said...

not too shabby for your first time in ny rachael!! i looove love the theme for the night out, your outfit on the first night is hilarious, yet chic with that awesome skirt! i'm glad you had such a blast.

Shanna-Marie Beattie said...

Looks like a fun first trip. Love an 80's theme. You can totally look normal doing it in NYC! You must be pretty tired from all your traveling!!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

SUCH a fun bachelorette theme! you all nailed the look...what a blast .

Anonymous said...

How fun! I've actually never been to a bachelorette party!

I am sooooo jealous that you live so close to NY. Seriously, if I lived that close, my Hubby would have to keep me away.

You look gorgeous in all your outfits - even the 80s one!

I cannot believe the creeper. I always find myself wondering if there isn't some sort of law or protection for people taking pics of others w/o their permission. The worst is those kiosks at the mall where they take pics of people's children and then flop them up on a special screen to sell some product. Ugh.

Unknown said...

AH! how fun, i love the theme :) my friend is having her bachelorette party this friday and it's mad men themed! SO excited you're coming to the Rendez-Vous New England weekend, I'll have to bug you about Barcelona tips! im taking a trip there at the end of September! xoxo jillian:: don't miss my fishs eddy dish giveaway!

Kristen said...

This looks SO FUN. Not too shabby for your first trip to New York! You all look fabulous.