
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Matters of Style: Do You Shop for "Real" Life or for Your Imaginary Life?

You look fabulous, Darling.
(image taken from random google search. I think the photo is vintage Dior)

This topic came up on an online community I frequent, so I thought I’d explore it in more depth.

Fantasy land is a remarkable place. In it, I work out six days a week, blow dry my hair every morning before work, keep a spotless apartment and enjoy wine with girlfriends every weekend. Oh, and I wear fabulous ensembles 24/7.

In reality, I generally miss at least one work out, I normally opt for the au natural air dried hair look (sleeping in is king), my apartment is in shambles and my girlfriends and I keep busy schedules that prevent regular get-togethers. Oh, and I sometimes schlepp up to the grocery store in yoga pants.

Generally, I recognize where reality ends and fantasy land begins (I proudly admit that I’m no wonder woman). When it comes to shopping, though, this isn’t always true. I’m fairly certain anyone who has every purchased something impulsive—and outrageous—that was seen in a magazine, in a movie or on the runway and later asked her/himself, “how, or when, am I actually going to wear this?” has crossed that faulty fantasy/reality line, too. I know I have…again and again.

It’s easy to fall victim to imaginary-life dressing. Heck, just this week I was looking through the Nordstrom catalogue that arrived in the mail and began dog-earring pages with crazy faux fur vests and platform heels. I work in a super-casual office where people wear jeans half of the time. I walk everywhere (heels are only worn every so often). I have a cute faux fur jacket hanging in my closet (never worn). Do I need to be buying faux fur vests and platform heels? Hell to the no.

I think when I see things online, in stores or in catalogues that I’m looking through the eyes of the me that I want to be wearing those clothes (you know, the one who wears fabulous ensembles 24/7) and not the me here in good ole’ reality: the ordinary little me who braves the awful city humidity in wash-and-wear dresses and ballet flats.

A couple of years ago I had quite the collection of cocktail dresses accumulating (rough estimate, 25 +). Sure, I had work functions that warranted such attire, and I did go out on Saturday nights, but not enough to justify owning 25 plus dresses worth several hundred dollars each. I was delusional. Even now I have to fight the urge to purchase new cocktail dresses. They’re just so pretty. And glamorous…and not my reality. Can I please be a fabulous jet-setter just for one week?

Sure, we all have to dip into a little fantasy every now and again (see exhibit a), but not so much that it borders being excessive. Beautiful things are meant to be worn, not left hanging with tags in the closet because there’s no place realistically to go.

So now I’m asking you…
Do you shop for your real life or your imaginary one? What was your most fantastical purchase? Did you end up wearing it?


Samantha said...

I TRY to shop for real life, but sometimes my imaginary life takes my real life and shoves it deep into the bottom of my huge purse so it gets lost. My last fantastical purchase was an Alexander McQueen dress from NM Last Call. I mean it's ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS, but I've only worn in on my blog. I don't have any plan to get rid of it, but I NEED to find a some occasion to wear it. (I'm mean for real - I work in a hospital!) LOL!

xo, sam

Lindsay said...

I used to do this ALL THE TIME. I can't think of any specific items at the moment, but I do know that I've gotten much better about it (at least I'd like to think I have) and I really, really think about whether it's something I'll actually use or wear. I always hate when I clean out my closet and find things with the tags still on them. That damn fantasy life always creeps up when I'm shopping and makes me buy things I don't need! Haha

Anonymous said...

Ha! I do this all the time! Right now I've got a red strapless dress and a leopard print Kim Kardashian-esque dress that have yet to be worn. I think I'd look a little *too* dressed up for the local Red Lobster. (Either that or I'd look like a hooker!)

Southern Belle Fashionista said...

Wouldn't it be fabulous if our real life & imaginary life became one??

Thanks for the post on my blog earlier! The 80's theme bachelorette party looked so freaking fun!

Shanna-Marie Beattie said...

This post is the best!! So true and real. Thank you. I definitely shop mostly for true life but find I make that purchase of a fantasy event. The only thing that was a little much was a gunmetal BCBG power skirt. It's short, tight and shiny. Ha! I can wear it to work and out but it was a bit over the top. for other things I try to think that preparation is always a plus! :)

Kristen said...

I have SO MANY cocktail dresses. How often do I go to an actual cocktail party (instead of something after work where you just take off your jacket and put on higher shoes)? Hardly ever. And yet, I continue to shop for cocktail dresses. So I guess my fantasy world involves a place where I'm often thrown into situations where I need a fab dress and a glass of champagne...?

Alison Kinsey said...

i'm just getting around to reading this post, and it's actually a pretty interesting topic! one i haven't thought about in depth. i used to buy cute shoes all the time because i wanted to have a gorgeous, eye-catching shoe collection. but the truth is, i love my flip flops, and it's my shoe of choice, be it not the most fashionable shoe. so luckily i stopped buying heels! i also can't stop myself from buying tons of fancy clubby type dresses, but it's not as commonly worn as say, regular tops and tees. it's a bad habit!