
Monday, January 24, 2011

Bonjour, New Hobby

One week from tomorrow I'm going to stop spending myself into oblivion (at least for 3-6 months...after that, who knows?)

I figured I needed a hobby--something, ANYTHING to keep me from spending too much time lurking around websites and lusting after things I really don't need. I don't need that kind of temptation.

Baking seemed like a good idea. People in my life will appreciate a baked good or two (or twelve). I scored one of those $20 Amazon gift cards through last week's Live Social Deal and put it to good use on these two books:

Cupcakes + Animal themes + time not spent on Saks' website = pure awesomeness.

So, after I return from Miami I'll begin a weekly series called "Your Mother Would Eat This." Actually, it'll be something friendlier and related to cupcakes--and not at all related to another weekly series I'll begin called "Ballin'" (as in "snowballing" as in snowballing credit card payments). I like stupid titles. Anyway, I'll post my cupcake decorating attempts so that we can all laugh, cry and gain weight together.

I haven't been this excited about something since my ear muffs arrived in the mail on Saturday.


Classy Fab Sarah said...

I just got a similar cupcake cook book before Christmas. Why the heck haven't I opened it yet?

Emma said...

This is a great project. I cant wait to see your progress. I have never attempted to make cupcakes this cute.

emaleigh said...

this is such a cute idea! I threw myself into work and completing my MA. Definitely not as much fun as baking cupcakes!