
Monday, May 2, 2011

Review Week Continues: HANA air Professional Hair Dryer

In the past when I've been contacted to do reviews of products, I've been reluctant to agree. It feels a bit like selling out. However, I didn't have to think twice when John from Misikko contacted me to to review the HANA air Professional Hair Dryer, as I've legitimately been in the market for a new dryer for over a year now. I'm happy to try a new one out!

Just so you can see, the HANA dryer is on the left and the old thing I've been using is on the right...

In the picture alone you can see how long the cord on the HANA dryer is--awesome sauce (to borrow from NBC's "Parks and Recreation"). I could sit on my bed and dry my hair because of its length.

Aside from a generous cord, what this blow dryer really has going for it is its ability to dry hair quickly and thoroughly. I have very thick wavy hair that normally takes at least 10-15 minutes to dry completely (and that's after allowing it to air dry a bit at first). I've used the HANA dryer two times already and have had dry hair at least five minutes sooner both times. We all know how valuable extra time is on weekday mornings, so I'll gladly take that extra five minutes.

I have to be honest and admit what a troll/idiot I am--it took me awhile to figure out how to use the dryer. It has two separate switches: one for air flow speed (marked in blue) and another for heat setting (marked in red). It took me awhile to figure out that they had to be used in unison. At first I thought I had a faulty dryer that wouldn't blow hot air. Fortunately, I got my act together.

John was kind enough to send me several other goodies, including a bottle of Hana Shine Shield. Again, awesome sauce. Look at how shiny it made my hair:

I'm sold.

I'm a believer in the saying that you get what you pay for, especially when it comes to styling tools. Buying a nice flat iron was one of the wiser things I've ever done (moving to Boston to begin a new life with my beau is probably the wisest). That being said, the HANA air Professional Hair Dryer is 195 clams--probably more than most people have ever spent on a dryer. It comes with a two year warranty, though, and is a bit of a Godsend in terms of the time and energy it saves over using the average blow dryer.

You can read more about it here. You can also check out their other products at And if you're looking for the best flat iron, they have a noteworthy selection. Seriously, good tools = good hair.

1 comment:

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

great review! i agree- extra 5 mins is totally worth it. i have thick hair too and it can take FOREVER to dry.