
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Outfit of the Day: I Should Have Gone to MIT...

...for the day.

It's the the campus-wide open house. My significant other is busy giving tours of his department and I'm just hanging around the apartment like a bum who's never taken a physics course. I'd be much more apt to cross the river and go check everything out if he--and his enthusiasm toward science--were there to check things out with me. But, yes, I am capable of doing things on my own--just not science-y things.

I'm hoping we go and grab drinks or something, otherwise I got dressed for nothing (it takes an enormous effort on my part to pry off the gym pants and hoodies on Saturdays).

Dress: Three Dots
Cardigan: Splendid
Bag: Kate Spade
Shoes: J Crew
Earrings: Leslie Danzis


Alison Kinsey said...

your outfit is gorgeous!!! i hope you get to go out tonight too. your bag really complements everything!

emaleigh said...

ummm... DYING for that KS bag, please and thanks. It's so beautiful. She is my favorite of all time. I hope you had fun today! And I'm right there with you... I HATE taking off my yoga pants and zip up hoodie regardless of what day of the week it is or where I have to be. Ha!

Emma said...

I LOVE that dress! I of course Love the handbag. I have a couple of Kate Spade bags and they are my Absolute Favorites!