
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Matters of Style: Making Your Wardrobe Work (Part One)

Making Your Wardrobe Work
Part One: Finding Inspiration

I’m starting a little series about making your wardrobe work. Too often do I find myself staring in my closet thinking I have nothing to wear, when in all actuality I’m simply not thinking creatively or clearly. Taking a few steps back to re-evaluate what it is that I love, what it is that I actually have to work with and what I need to make the most out of the items hanging in my closet is an important process in grounding my sense of personal style. I hope sharing my process will be helpful to you, too.

Finding Inspiration

Do you ever feel like the way you want to dress and the way you actually dress are two conflicting ideas? Meet the inspiration board. I’m constantly tearing out magazine and catalog pictures of items and styles I simply like or aspire to own. Doing so keeps my style on track, for lack of a better phrase.

The funny thing about the images I’ve collected is that they’re not all recent—many of my favorite looks are far from being “of the moment” or trendy. Remember that it’s okay to like what you like even if it’s from an InStyle article circa 2008.

So once I’ve collected images from print and online sources I put some of my favorite images together as one cohesive unit. Doing so helps me to see overarching connections and to get a sense of my taste in dressing.

Here’s what I came up with:

I don’t know exactly what I’d call the finished product. City Glam, maybe?

Some of my favorites:

Love this drape-y skirt with a simple top. Understated, but chic.

 How fabulous is this Burberry jacket? Looks amazing with the slim-fitting pants and stilettos.

 I cannot wait for fall ponchos. This look is amazing.

Bright prints and colors make my heart flutter.

Pretty straight-forward process, but here’s the breakdown:
  1. Scour the internet and flip through old magazines and tear out things you really like or love. Set aside any bias for what’s “in” or trendy and go based upon what you’re truly drawn to. I find that some seasons I’m simply not digging the current styles (i.e. this season’s boho resurgence and all of the crazy 80’s/early 90’s looks—so not me!) Am I “of the moment”? Not at all. Am I terribly unstylish? Not in the least. 
  2. Once you’re done, look through your stash and find your favorites. Put them together in a binder with clear sleeves or on a bulletin board as I did. There’s no right or wrong way, though I find posting the images on a bulletin board forces me to look at it every day and, thus, keeps me focused. 
  3. Look for themes that emerge. Ample bright colors or lots of neutrals? Mostly edgy or uber-feminine and romantic? See if you can think of three words to describe your board. 
  4. Get ready to put your board to work.

Next up: Taking inventory of what you already own…

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Matters Of Opinion: How Much of Your Life Is On Your Blog?

When you think about it, writing personal blog really is the antithesis to everything we’ve been told regarding internet safety. A personal blog lacking any indication of authentic identity, be it via photos, location information or some other form of personal profiling, is just as good as dead unless, of course, there’s superb content or content that flourishes only in the presence of anonymity (gossip-y or snarky blogs are the first to come to my mind).

I can’t help but think every time I post an outfit of the day photo, Why am I ignoring everything I learned in Internet Safety 101? You shouldn’t be posting photos of yourself on the internet, you hamster! But I do it anyway, because I enjoy reading blogs where the writer is open with his or her identity and am willing to bet that’s what readers want out of my blog, too.

But there’s a limit to what I’m willing to post. Actually, back when I first began hobby blogging with the now-deceased Life Is Better In Heels, I covered both my face and the faces of my friends and family with black dots. It took me awhile to become comfortable with publishing unmasked photos. Rightfully so, in my opinion. Do any of us really know who’s reading? What if your employer stumbles upon your blog or, even worse, an outright crazy-as-batshit stalker? Even if you’re not posting photos of yourself in a whipped cream bikini or writing about last night’s bong fest, it’s still ‘no bueno.’ However, it didn’t take long for me to realize that, just like boring family photo albums with page upon page of scenery photos from travels, what people really want to see is the human element. The view from your Oceanside hotel room is certainly nice, but I want to see the funny face you’re making while posing (and the killer shoes you’re wearing).

 A picture of me disguising myself (complete with a SWEET Geiko mask) that was formerly posted on  
Life Is Better In Heels

And while photos certainly put you out there, the content itself is always a matter of concern. I’m truly flabbergasted when I stumble upon blogs where the writer outright posts his or her full name, place of work or other clear-as-day identification markers (note: always check photos to make sure that no identity giveaways are in the background).

All of these things seem rather obvious to me: don’t post your full name, don’t post pictures of my home (with address in clear view), don’t outright state where I work, among other things. But let’s talk about content itself.

Generally, I’m a pretty private person, and I truly believe it’s possible to be a private person and still have an interesting/entertaining/authentic personal blog. I’m willing to share snippets of my life, but definitely not all of it. Even on Facebook, where my friends are edited and limited only to people with whom I regularly converse in real life OR truly desire to keep in touch, I don’t post every photo and detail from my whereabouts. There’s something nice about keeping some things to yourself, you know?

With that being said, there are some topics I will never discuss (or, discuss at a minimum) on When I’ve Arrived:

  1. My fiancĂ© (who I refer to as SO or significant other). Besides the tidbits or generalizations I post here and there, we’re very private people when it comes to our relationship. It may come across that I live a self-centered lifestyle, but that’s only because I don’t post half of the details of what we’re doing.
  2. Work. Besides the business-related travels I take, there is absolutely no reason to discuss my job. That kind of talk can backfire in the worst kinds of ways. Best to keep that information contained.
  3. Family. I love them, but I don’t think it’s fair to be blasting too much information about them (or pictures upon pictures of them). Again, too personal/private, especially since they don’t even know I have this thing!
  4. Personal grievances with people in my life. I know some people use a blog as a kind of journal and therefore tell everything like it is, but I prefer to keep my people-specific problems to myself.
  5. Political Views. ‘Nuff said.

I’m probably forgetting other topics, but these ones are the biggies.

Are there any topics off-limits to you, or is everything fair game? Is your life an open book? And, on a more serious note, do you ever worry about personal safety when you post? 

Note: Please let me know if you encounter any problems when trying to comment by emailing me at manolochoolou {at} gmail dot com (if you'd be so kind). Apparently there have been issues as of late.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

First Shoegasm of 2011: Glittering Miu Miu Beauties

Shoegasms are hard to come by when one abstains from shopping. Heck, I can't even remember the last time I had one. It was definitely pre-Boston relocation and pre-"putting on my dowdy big girl dress and acknowledging that places like Saks no longer needed me popping in, like, four times a month." Oddly enough, I didn't really miss the shoegasms. I guess that's what happens when you have other more important things, like how you're going to tolerate eating boxed Kraft Macaroni & Cheese four meals in a row 'cause you barely have two dimes to rub together, to worry about.

And then I found these freaking fabulous Miu Miu platforms at the Saks Fifth Avenue on the Mag Mile in Chicago:

My hotel was situated between Saks and Neiman Marcus, so I had to go in. Sandwiching me between Saks and Neimans? That's like standing a recovering sex addict next to a hooker and a television stationed to Cinemax at 1:00 AM. Something's gonna give.

I couldn't leave without them. They were just too beautiful and reminded me a lot of the Louboutins I'd purchased a couple of years ago and then returned (I regretted doing that up until I found these). Since these were on sale, they were a fraction of the cost of the Louboutins and, in my opinion, are much better looking on my feet.

Thank goodness for birthday money. Perhaps if I were a better woman I would have used it to pay down debt, but I'm not. BTW, that red spot on my ankle is a bug bite, not the beginnings of Ebola or something else nasty.

And that shoegasm? GOD was it good. So good that I almost asked the sales woman if she wanted to share a smoke.

More on Chicago, my lack of wardrobe creativity and my lovely afternoon with Kinsey Michaels coming up this week...

Monday, June 20, 2011

One Dress, Two Ways

My birthday was earlier this month, but I didn't post about it. I figure it's enough to publish photos of myself--no need to go doing anything crazy like announcing my date of birth, work affiliations or political views. Then you might actually be able to find me.

So in the spirit of 30 for 30 remixing which, sadly, I am going to have to duck out of doing, I tried taking this simple Taylor dress and wearing it two different ways:

Yeah, nothing spectacular, but I like making the innocent pink dress look a little less sweet. I could have used different shoes, though.

FYI: I didn't end up wearing either look.

Now I'm off to Chicago.

Happy Monday, if those even exist...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Outfits of the Weekend: Celebrate Good Times (and the Coolest Cake Ever)

There was all kinds of celebrating going on this weekend: The American Craft Beer Fest was in town on Friday (I didn't actually go since I'm not a fan of beer, but I met up with all of my inebriated friends afterward), MIT had a 150th celebration party last night, and today is SO's birthday.

Even though it's been unusually cold in Boston this week, I went ahead and put on a summery dress that I've been dying to wear on Friday night:

Dress: Va-Va (from Hautelook)
Shoes: Tory Burch

Last night was, in a word, AWESOME. MIT hosted "Toast to Tech," a 150-year anniversary celebration which also coincided with graduation weekend. Complimentary cupcakes, champagne and fireworks show? Yes, please.

A not-so great shot of the Prudential Center--so much cooler in person!

Mascot ice sculpture

Me with the mascot ice sculpture 'cause I liked it so much

Okay, now get ready for pictures of one of the most interesting and detailed recreation cakes I've ever seen. Seriously...

Neat, right? 
Unfortunately we didn't get a cupcake or a slice of cake because there were way too many people crowding around the tent as they were serving. You would have thought they were handing out fifty dollar bills or something judging by the crowd. The way I see it, though, I can eat a cupcake any old day. At least I walked away with pictures of it!

Oh, and here's what I wore (it was super-chilly last night):

Dress: Rachel Pally
Vest: Splendid
Tights: TJ Maxx
Shoes: Cole Haan
Necklace: Cartouche