
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Packing for Miami

Here's what I'm bringing along...

Top Left: Tibi Dress, Ella Moss Dress / Top Right: TART tunic, Zella Live-In Leggings, Longchamp bag, workout videos / Bottom center: MICHAEL Michael Kors Berkeley heels, Tory Burch Revas and J Crew ballet flats

Not very exciting, but I have no plans to skanktify myself and hit up any clubs while I'm down there. I'll be working most of the time and I want to keep it simple. I'll take my glam to Miami some other time. Most of the stuff I'm bringing isn't pictured (work polo shirts and black pants, black suit, workout gear, etc)--these are just the improvisational items.

What won't I be bringing from Boston?

The boots with da fur. No joke. I ordered these on clearance from Saks. I feel like I'm straight out of Flow Rida's lyrics, but you gotta do what you gotta do to stay warm and dry in Boston. This winter is gearing up to be miserable.

Sweet blessed Friday is upon us.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bonjour, New Hobby

One week from tomorrow I'm going to stop spending myself into oblivion (at least for 3-6 months...after that, who knows?)

I figured I needed a hobby--something, ANYTHING to keep me from spending too much time lurking around websites and lusting after things I really don't need. I don't need that kind of temptation.

Baking seemed like a good idea. People in my life will appreciate a baked good or two (or twelve). I scored one of those $20 Amazon gift cards through last week's Live Social Deal and put it to good use on these two books:

Cupcakes + Animal themes + time not spent on Saks' website = pure awesomeness.

So, after I return from Miami I'll begin a weekly series called "Your Mother Would Eat This." Actually, it'll be something friendlier and related to cupcakes--and not at all related to another weekly series I'll begin called "Ballin'" (as in "snowballing" as in snowballing credit card payments). I like stupid titles. Anyway, I'll post my cupcake decorating attempts so that we can all laugh, cry and gain weight together.

I haven't been this excited about something since my ear muffs arrived in the mail on Saturday.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Party In the City Where the Heat Is On

By some stroke of luck I found a job in this poor economic climate and by another stroke of luck the position allows me to travel, which is something I've always wanted in a job. Seriously, the path life sends you down is unpredictable.

Next week I'm off to Miami to do some work things with some work people (that's right), and am pretty damn excited about it. Yeah, I'll be working most of the time, but it's hard not to be stoked about ditching this crazy New England winter for a week. Trudging half a mile by foot through the snow as part of my morning commute has already become very old, and we're only one month into winter. Eh, but I'm from Nebraska, so I'm well acquainted with snow and horrible winters.

So back to Miami. I'll be keeping it pretty unfashionable in my sweet uniform for the week (bright colored polo shirt with black pants--awesome!), but I thought I'd take some time to imagine what I would hypothetically wear down there if I were: a) doing something a little more glamorous (like nibbling on salad rabbit style at some post restaurant along South Beach) and b) actually had the dough right now to be purchasing and wearing outfits costing $2000+.


Miami Day

Until that happens, there's always Polyvore to play pretend.

What will I actually pack? More on that later...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To Face Unafraid the Plans That We've Made

One thing's for certain: it's a winter wonderland here in Boston. The one thing more wondrous than a winter wonderland is the day off work that *sometimes* comes with it. Seems like everyone had their panties in a bunch yesterday leading up to the anticipated storm. I say bring on the snowpocalypse if it means I can wear tacky track pants tucked into slipper boots and work from home! After all, Captain Obvious says it's winter--the snow's gonna fall at some point.

So what does a work at home day look like?

In complete "What Not to Wear" contestant style, I slipped on some really gnarly looking clothing to run outside and snap a few pictures...

I kept on the gnarly clothes for the remainder of the day, which looked something like this...

Work station: personal computer, cell phone, work computer, coffee:

More coffee and some reading time (and also about 20 minutes worth of "Dr. Phil," which was about all the daytime television I could tolerate):

Bringin' sexy back with my stay-at-home-for-a-day work uniform. Brings back unpleasant memories of being unemployed ("Dr. Phil" is what really did me in):

Final thought: Work snow days are not nearly as fun as school snow days. You still have to check emails and be available because, unlike when you're in grade school or college, there ain't no escaping adult life. Word.

Not that I'm complaining. A day at home is a day at home :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

After My First Snow in Boston

Taking weekend walks through the city is one of my favorite things to do.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Photographic Evidence (the Numbers Don't Lie)

I've made the commitment to better my financial health. Now I'm reaffirming my reasons for doing so.

Over the last six months I've been under-utilizing the contents of my closet, mostly because I no longer like the way I look and feel in a lot of it (weight gain has a way of doing that). Today I went digging for numbers--just how many dresses/skirts/pants/etc. have I been neglecting? I figure knowing this information will help me to concentrate my efforts on fitting back into my underutilized clothes and not on accumulating anything new ('cause come February 1st, shopping is a no no).

Our closet. Organization made possible by Ikea.

Here's what I tallied (Disclaimer: this isn't one of those "look at everything I own" posts, because those are prevalent on blogs and make me want to gag. I'm being honest so I can be held accountable):

Own: 53        Actually wear: 32
Own: 6         Actually wear: 6

Own: 7         Actually wear: 1
Own: 8         Actually wear: 5

Blouses (work-approrpriate)
Own: 18      Actually wear: 9
Own: 11      Actually wear: 11
Own: 10      Actually wear: 7
Own: 7       Actually wear: 1
Dress Pants
Own: 3       Actually wear: 0
Own: 11      In regular rotation: 2
(three are new with tags...yikes)
Heels: 10 pairs
Flats: 4 pairs
Wedges: 1 pair
Boots: 8 pairs

This information doesn't include all of my casual clothes and layering pieces (like simple long sleeve shirts and camisoles).

Anyway, I don't know how my numbers compare when stacked against other peoples' closets, but I did the math and I'm only wearing about 58.5% of what's hanging in there (this number doesn't account for shoes and handbags). There are approximately 50 garments I do not wear, but actually like and want to wear.

So what does that underutilized 41.5% look like? This:

You can't see most of it because all the clothes are piled haphazardly on our bed.

Not good. 

My conclusion? Everything I said in my previous post. 

Oh, and if I keep with my gym routine and stop eating like the apocalypse is arriving tomorrow, I can rock all of this stuff again with confidence. It'll almost be like having a new wardrobe!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Before My Arrival: Money Issues

Remember that romance movie circa 2004 with the really bad acting that had anyone with two X chromosomes swooning for half its duration and sobbing the other? You know, the really, really bad acting?

That's right! "The Notebook"!**

Remember the line near the of the movie when Noah says to Allie:

"So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday."

I think it's about time I had a similar conversation with the contents of my bank account because money be disappearing left and right, yo. My relationship with money is far from romantic, and it generally doesn't spark any tears other than my own. Money has always burned a hole in my pocket, often times against my better judgment. My demise began with designer jeans. Seriously. This heaping pile of rotten money-owed-via-plastic nastiness began with a pair of Pink Tri-Color A Pocket Seven for All Mankind jeans that I wore twice and eventually sold for half their value. And so it began. Most line items on past statements have fared far worse fates (think donation pile--couldn't even find buyers).

Frankly, I'm tired of being in debt. I'm tired of this endless emotional game of buying things to appease some other unfulfilled part of my life (whatever that may be--it's soul-searching time!) From a practical standpoint, I'm tired of the balances sitting at a standstill.

So guess what?

I'm making a commitment to not shop for six months beginning in February.

Why February? Because I need to gear up for this exercise in restraint and also make a few small purchases in the mean time (like ear muffs and a new pair of gym pants). I was going to commit to a year, but that would most likely mean setting myself up for failure.

But wait! There's more.

Earlier this evening, after a small but tear-filled breakdown in front of my spousal equivalent (MTR) about life-related quandaries, I forked over my credit cards. The white flag has risen. I've officially surrendered. Fo' real this time.

I won't bore you with the details, but I fear a mixture of satisfaction and fear right now. My cards and excessive spending have been a safety net--against "what" I don't know. Embarking on a new path feels liberating and damn scary at the same time.

So about this six month shopping ban:
  • Groceries obviously don't count
  • Gifts don't count, either, though I imagine most people will be receiving gift cards or money to help me avoid retail establishments and/or online shopping
  • Essentials will need to be replaced at some point (think toiletries and regularly-used items like athletic shoes), so I can spend money on those just so long as it's a legitimate replacement
  • If the zipper on my winter coat breaks or my hair dryer gives out on me (or some other uncontrollable material misfortune), it's okay to go ahead and replace said item
  • I'll allow myself the purchase of four bottles of nail polish, only because I need a little something to look forward to
This will be interesting, but much needed.

I'll keep you posted.

**No offense to anyone who loves "The Notebook." I cried watching it. I actually sort of like it. Whatever the case, you have to admit that the acting is bad.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh No You Didn't

Yes, I did.

I just ordered a romper on ideeli. Are people even wearing rompers anymore? Should I care?

It's the type of romper I envisioned purchasing this past summer when I toyed around with the idea of whether or not it was wise to purchase a romper in the first place. Having been unemployed at the time, I had plenty of time to contemplate these kind of things without any cash to spare. Alas, eating my feelings at Panda Express seemed like a better use of what spare change I had.

I think it'll look cute with some strappy flat sandals come summertime. It's essentially the same as the 30+ modal/jersey dresses hanging in my closet (can't get enough of those fabrics), only with a nice stitched short between the legs to prevent any exposure of my pachang-a-chang (not that I expose my lady region when wearing dresses...)

Tart Romper
Image from

I might be the only person rompin' around Boston in a romper this summer, but hey, at least I didn't buy Crocs!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Don't Let Me Down, 2011

New year, new blog. I have an inkling this one will stick.

I'm not one for New Years resolutions. Normally I'm too deflated after all of the excitement surrounding the holidays dies to give two sticks about altering my life. However, now that I'm back from my sweet two-week holiday vacation in the Midwest I feel ready to make changes. Taking a break from (and then returning to) real life feels like a bit of a time warp--complete with a fresh beginning.

So these are not really resolutions, per se, but general things I'd like to accomplish or see happen in 2011. Woot.

1. Clear the clutter and begin fresh

It's happening as I type. The laundry is in the wash. A shredder is on its way to our apartment to clear out all old statements and papers piled up. I'm going through our closet later today (a post on that will come). Clearing out the junk makes me feel less junk-y.

2. Revert back to Rachael circa 2009

Ah, 2009. I didn't order Chinese takeout two times a week (eh, that's also because I couldn't throw a stone from my apartment and hit an amazing Chinese restaurant back then like I can now). I dressed up, drank too much red wine and went out to socialize. Hitting up the gym after work was a solid part of my routine. I resisted ice cream. All things considered, I felt better about myself back then than I do now. In 2011 I intend on cooking more, making more plans that don't involve my pajamas and reruns of "Strangers With Candy," and hitting up all the fitness classes I enjoy.

3. Go from being a spousal equivalent to an engaged woman
It's gonna happen--I can feel it.

4. Reduce my debt and build savings
The fact that I'm capable of sleeping at night given the numbers on my statements is slightly unnerving. I feel a bit embarrassed that I haven't made too big of a dent in my debt and I need to be more diligent in my efforts. A number lives in my head of what I'd like my balances to reflect come June, but writing it down means too much pressure. I don't really charge purchases anymore, but I allow myself too much spending money each paycheck when it should be applied to my cards and/or savings account. Not gonna lie - I have a list of quasi "big ticket" items on my shopping list that I intend on purchasing. It's all a matter of prioritizing.

My plan? After indulging in a few of the post-holiday sales I'm going on a shopping dry spell. No shopping in February, March or April. Eek.

5. Start a blog and keep it forever and ever
So far, so good. Seriously, I need a creative outlet. Oh, and if anyone can recommend a blog designer, please let me know.

Not very exciting, but it's all I've got.

Happy New Year!