
Monday, January 2, 2012

"You're Your Problem, and You're Also Your Solution"

Happy New Year!

I have to say that this New Year's Eve was the best one in years. We're normally home bodies, but actually went out on Saturday night and had a really enjoyable time (complete with free hats at the bar). Can't ask for much more than that. I'm happy to say that NYE surpassed our expectations. Woot.

Beautiful tree at the Lenox Hotel; doing a NYE jig in my cape in the apartment lobby

Yesterday I drafted a list of everything I'd like to accomplish in 2012, which I prefer to call my "Get It Together" list.

For the past couple of months I have been in such a funk. And then there's January looming ahead with two weeks of work-related travel and all of the extra hours that go with it. I start feeling sick to my stomach just thinking about it. But see, this is my problem. I'm the problem.

We watched "Bridesmaids" the other night, and given my deflated attitude about life in general lately, Megan's line really struck a nerve:

"You're your problem, and you're also your solution."

It's time for a change in attitude. Sitting around and dwelling on the negative is only making things more unbearable. Changes need to be made this year, and while they aren't going to happen overnight, I have the power to make them happen--time to set fear aside. If nothing else comes from 2012, a change in my attitude will. I think that by simply focusing on ways to enrich my life, I'll have the extra spring in my step I've been missing.

How are you going to be your solution in 2012?